Delivering Production Supplies
to the Grape and Fruit Industries
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Welcome to; an Internet based company that provides farmers with the guidance that they need and products that are necessary. We specifically target grape/fruit growers but as our market share continues to grow we sell to many other farmer/ranchers who grow everything from soup to nuts.

Our mission is to provide a limited service company to growers with the same pesticides and other supplies more economically than any other supplier. We now are able to accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and of course checks. Although this will considerably lengthen your delivery time as we wait for the money to become available. We also ship daily via UPS and American Freightways, as well as having materials available for pickup at our location in Silver Creek, New York.

Please sign up for the newsletter if you want to receive the latest information on product availability and specials for the season as well as pertinent information from us.

If you have difficulties with our site, or you are not comfortable with placing an order on the internet or any other question please email us at and we will get back to you.

If you are not able to find the product that you want at the right price or if you have a need for something not listed let us know.

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