Delivering Production Supplies
to the Grape and Fruit Industries
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Thompson Farms is located in Hanover Center, New York which is halfway between Buffalo and Erie, PA. We are within site of Lake Erie in the northeastern corner of Chautauqua county. See Map

   Chautuaqua county is the heart of the Lake Erie grape belt, one of three distinct growing regions in New York State. This county traditionally grows 60% of the grapes grown in the state.

Our farm consists of 230 acres of bearing concord grapes, 15 more that are not yet in production, 5 acres of strawberries as well as some apples.

   Approximately 50% of our grapes are delivered to Welch while the remaining 50% is split between Canandaigua Wine Company, Cliffstar, Growers Grape Cooperative and Redwing..

   All strawberries, apples and produce are marketed at our Sunrise Farms fruit stand.

   We are considered progressive growers usually testing materials/technique before offering them to the public. Cultural practices include conventional as well as more abstract procedures. Current "experiments" include longer trellis stakes (posts), micronutritional trials, sprayer efficiency as well as others.



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